Sunday, January 8, 2012

Things happen for a reason

My focus the past few months has not been my blog. I spent so much time curled up in bed dealing with pain and filled with fear that now I'm all about living life! I'm more active then ever before, enjoying my two boys, my husband and my GREAT health! It's been a busy few months.
I've noticed more and more that my balance is REALLY REALLY off. It had been most of my pregnancy. When I was about 22 weeks pregnant I had just got home from church and I was standing in my bathroom when all of a sudden I started tipping over. My arms clung to the side of my body and refused to move and I fell like a tree *TIMBER* and slammed into my tile floor. OW! After years of dance and gymnastics I couldn't understand HOW my body not only fell over but my arms REFUSED to react. I was completely stunned and laid on the floor for a good 20 minutes. Well fast forward to now. My AWESOME brother is finally back in town and opened up his own family practice I asked him to adjust me.
He laughed at me when I told him how I've been really off balance the past few months until he looked at my feet. They were INCHES off. I can't remember the medical terminology but my hips are REALLY messed up. After pulling and pulling they are getting better but still a work in progress. When I asked how they could get this bad he told me I must have hit them really hard to get them this far out.
That's when a huge *A-HA!!* moment came to me!!! For months my doctor couldn't believe I hadn't gone into labour, Rhett should have been born extremely premature. My hips weren't aligned therefore he couldn't descend even with all the contractions. To the angels in heaven who held my arms to my side and shoved me over, THANK YOU!!! I feel incredibly blessed!

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun post! I wish there was a "like" button.
