Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Sweetheart

Last Sunday we were so lucky to have the 5th Sunday and receive a special lesson in a ward. It was titled "Marriage and Divorce". It went along with a address given by President Spencer W. Kimball. It was such a beautiful talk and it went along perfectly with our next holiday Valentine's Day. As so many people if our family are getting divorced or are recently divorced, it has given Chase and I a lot of time to contemplate our marriage and strengthen it again.

Right now Chase and I are doing the 14 days of Valentines. Where we are doing something special for each other every day until Valentines Day. Yesterday Chase and I ran our treats to all of our home teaching and visiting teaching families. I found these adorable boxes, liners and toppers at Wal-Mart. Then Chase and I threw together some cupcakes and ran them out to everyone.
I have to share this recipe too. What can I say! I'm pregnant right now and food sounds SO good. But these cupcakes turned out so amazing and they were so fast!
All Fool's Cake
3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 cup oil
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup hot water
Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Except hot water. Beat thoroughly and then add hot water. Bake in 9 X 13 inch pan for 30 minutes at 350*. For cupcakes bake for 20 minutes at 350*.
But then when they are completely cool (IT WILL MELT FROSTING IF IT'S EVEN A LITTLE WARM) top with my marshmallow frosting! If there was a frosting I were ever to bathe in, this would be the one.
Start with 2 egg whites stiffly beaten. Bring 1 cup white karo syrup to a boil and then pour slowly into egg whites while beating. This is most easily done in a mixer. Then add in 1/4 - 1/2 cup white sugar depending on how sweet you want it. Beat until stiff foaming peaks (about 5-7 minutes) Frost cake and top with shredded coconut!
Happy Valentine's everyone, I hope you all read that talk with your spouse this Valentine's season. What a great time to fall in love with your spouse all over again!

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